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Tabla de tallas de pelucas

Guía de medidas de pelucas médicas texturizadas con prótesis craneales personalizadas de Adoriya

Cómo medir tu cabeza para hacerte una peluca

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Consejo sobre peluca:
Asegúrese de que su cabello esté bien sujeto para obtener una medición precisa.
measure head.jpg

1. Head Circumference

The tape measure should follow your hairline all the way around from the top of the forehead all the way to the nape of your neck. The average circumference is 22.5 inches.

measure head.jpg

2. Forehead To Nape

Esto determina la longitud de tu cabeza y se realiza midiendo desde la frente, pasando por la parte superior de la cabeza hasta la nuca. La medida promedio para esta área es de 14,5 pulgadas.

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3. Over Top Of Head

To get an accurate result place the end of the measuring tape at the top edge of your ear and run it across the top of your head to the same spot on your other ear. The average measurement here is 12.5 inches.

measure head.jpg

4. Línea del cabello frontal

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measure head.jpg

5. Nape Of Neck

This measurement needs to go from one side to the other all along the bottom hairline. The average measurement is 5.5 inches.

measure head.jpg

6. Temple-To-Temple

This is your Project description. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

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